Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The world needs more of these chicks

Imagine one of these sport-junkie chicks was your girlfriend. Chicks who are into sports not by default, but actually watch them on their own time and not out with a boyfriend at a bar. I hate the girl who roots for a team because her boyfriend likes them, or they have a fantasy crush for one of the players. I like chicks who eat fried food, drink beer, and actually can comprehend what's going on in a particular sport. Not only are they both good looking, but their sports knowledge is also attractive. Why date a needy, boring, attractive woman or girl when you can enjoy being a man once in awhile. Why spend nine bucks on wine, or a seventy dollar dinner tab on bland food at a "I got a stick up my ass (fancy) restaurant. Think a little in re-evaluate what you want in a woman fellas.